A Portrait of BLATT 3000 for The Lake Radio
Listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/thelakeradio/a-portrait-of-blatt-3000
BLATT 3000 is a magazine for exchange and critical discussion on contemporary music. BLATT 3000 is a collective of artists, activists & theorists, based in Berlin. BLATT 3000 started as a magazine in 2014 and has held two self-organised festivals since then. This program holds a long list of recordings compiled by BLATT 3000 - recordings of compositions, sounds, conversations, concerts, that in some way represent BLATT 3000.
- 'Thesda - New Forever (BLATT 3000 live version @ UNM Aarhus, 2016: liebe.blatt3000.de/)
- Der Printerball - Klaus und Laura drucken BLATT 3000 in der Agentur
- AmadeuzZz
- Akiko Ahrendt, Friedemann Dupelius, Emile Frankel, Gunnar Gunnsteinsson, Neo Hülcker - ¡#0À(R)æ Ik[] 3#[]oø¿
- Sam Andreae - Curiously Tea She Said [Slip]
(samandreae.com/compositions/curi…lyteashesaid.html) - BLATT 3000 - Sammelstellentreffen (recorded live @ 13357)
- BLATT 3000 - Decentralization (Andreas Dzialocha, live version @ UNM Aarhus, 2016)
- NOR w. David Meier, Sam Andreae, Neo Hülcker, Annegret
Mayer-Lindenberg - directly from inside the Scheune @ VERANTWORTUNG 3000 (github.com/adzialocha/NOR) - Mauro Hertig / Pulse Laboratory - Whispers performed by VERANTWORTUNG 3000
- Mauro Hertig / Pulse Laboratory - Patterns In The Courtyard performed by VERANTWORTUNG 3000
- AmadeuzZz - Nice tutorial for verantwortung3000.de (ripped from YouTube)
- NOR w. David Meier, Sam Andreae, Neo Hülcker, Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg - still directly from inside the Scheune @ VERANTWORTUNG 3000
- Prädikow Tischtennis Gang - Chillen an der Platte vor der "Bar zur Schönen Aussicht"
- BLATT 3000 - deep hang out am Schreibtisch
- VERANTWORTUNG 3000 - What is it?, live out of Musikhuset Aarhus, UNM 2016
- NOR w. David Meier, Sam Andreae, Neo Hülcker, Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg - once more directly from inside the Scheune @ VERANTWORTUNG 3000
- Romobot - Computer (from BLATT 3000 #9 issue)
- HOFFNUNG 3000 - Pressekonferenz @ Tempelhofer Feld, Berlin, 19.08.2017
- VERANTWORTUNG 3000 - Vogel statt Party
- Matthias Strassmüller - Spektrallabor @ VERANTWORTUNG 3000
- 10115 & Internet - braining w/ GRINM + Konstmusiksystrar (griddarmstadt.wordpress.com/ and konstmusiksystrar.se/)
- Mozart - Langsames Kartoffelnschälen in der Küche
- HOFFNUNG 3000 - Pressekonferenz @ Tempelhofer Feld, Berlin, 19.08.2017 (mit Altbier von Faultierkola)
- Wir und der Hausphilosoph - Deepes Quatschen mit Bier
- VSG Altglienicke vs. Berliner AK 07 – Sat 26.08.17 13:00 - 15:15 @ Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn Sportpark
- R&C - 3000 talken mit Jenny und Klaus
- BLATT 3000 - Love (Laura Weber, live version @ UNM Aarhus, 2016)
- R&C - 3000 mal Danke an Jenny und Klaus
- Jesting johndory - Agar-Agar Workshop (recorded in Klangkeller @ HOFFNUNG 3000, 2017)
- Cosmogonical commabutterfly - The noise upstairs (@3000) (live from the Kino @ HOFFNUNG 3000)